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Hello reader, I’m Jaap Meerhof

I’m a nerd that is mainly into privacy preserving technologies and cloud solutions.

Education #

Degree University date
Bachelor of Science, Technical Computer Science/Technische informatica University of Twente 2018-2021
Master of Science, Computer Science / Cyber Security University of Twente 2021 - 2023

Skills #

In general I’d say the most important skill I have build up is in general technical problem-solving.

Note the list of languages is not complete, it shows what I have most experience in. But I’d argue that once you learned a Procedural, Object Oriented, Functional, Scripting, or Logic Programming Language. You are able to work in all of them after you learn the syntax.
Skill Experience
Python Loads of scripting for mostly Machine Learning
Java I’d say my most mastered language
Rust Big Rust fan for security reasons
Machine Learning Advanced Machine Learning Experience in (Deep) Neural Networks, Reinforcement Learning, and Gradient Boosted Decision Trees
Cyber Security My whole master -> my main experience is in Fuzzing, Privacy Preserving Technologies, Network Security, Cloud Security, IOT security, Security/Privacy Law, BioMetrics Security
Linux Both in security as in general usage